We're Going to Disney World!
From December 9-13, 2022, the Great Valley High School Music Program is traveling to Orlando, Florida to perform in Disney World. The Concert Choir, String Orchestra, and Marching Band (including Concert Band members) will be experiencing a unique musical experience while also having the opportunity to enjoy the sights, sounds, and magic of the theme parks.
Important Dates:
8/28/2019 7:00 pm: Disney meeting in the cafeteria
9/4/2019: Second payment of $500 is due
10/04/2019: Final payment of $400 is due
Payments can be made by check payable to GVMPA and placed into the GVMPA mailbox in the music hallway or they can be paid online by clicking here. Online payments will in include a surcharge for processing fees.
To raise money for the Disney trip, take advantage of the current student fundraisers below:
You can check your Fundraising and Trip balance in the CHARMS system.
To access CHARMS go to:
• Click Login in upper right corner – choose Parents/Students/Members
• Type School Code = gvsdmusic
• Type Student Area Password
Note: If you can’t remember your password, email GVMPA contact@gvmpa.org or treasurer@gvmpa.org for password reset